Portfolio of Work
Browse this page to learn more about the work created and the results achieved.

Results that Matter
Identified and closed $1.4M in journal acquisitions for a UK-based client.
Secured a $500,000 contract on behalf of a metadata services company.
Created a nonprofit’s first DEI strategy, plan of action, and learning series to help Board members, staff, and volunteers begin their journey on the cultural competence continuum, which was met with great success.
Provided advocacy and care coordination to underserved individuals, including low-income, BIPOCs, older adults, caregivers, LGBTQIA+, people with physical disabilities, illnesses, and mental health needs, veterans, the food insecure, homeless, and near homeless, domestic violence survivors, single parents, grandmothers raising children, at-risk youth, homeless teens, and displaced individuals due to fires and floods.
Clients & Collaborators
Interview with Nobel Prize Winner
Rigoberta Menchú Tum is an internationally renowned Mayan activist from Guatemala whose lifetime of work in leading her indigenous people in a non-violent movement against the military government of Guatemala earned her the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize.
Adventures for the Earth
As far as your sleepy right eye can see, the unpopulated beach sparkles with un-littered perfection. The flexing muscles of the ocean cause crashing waves to roar loudly in your sandy ear.
Implications of Local vs Cheap
When we consider the implications of buying locally produced goods versus buying cheaper ones from across state lines or seas, we need a decision palette with many shades of gray, even some color. At stake are the environment, jobs, identities, and economies.